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So the question at the beginning of this article is.... "Are you affected by small ***** syndrome?" Do you know what this syndrome is exactly? Well in this article we will show you what this problem is and what you can do if you are affected by it. So let us explain the definition of small ***** syndrome, Small ***** treatment Doctor Contact us: - +91-8010977000, +91-8010677000
Definition:- This is a term used to describe men who suffer from excessive anxiety about their male organ. These men have average sized manhood and they are suffering mentally because of it! However, the men and women of researchers that coined this term suggest that it could be part of obsessive thinking, larger psychosis or even isomorphic disorder! Small ***** treatment, what is the propose of treatment who suffer from this male issue?
These researchers have recommended that the individuals who suffer from small ***** syndrome should attend counseling treatment; by Small ***** treatment specialist doctor this should be the first course of action. Medications and surgery should not come into the resolution given the fact that there is perhaps nothing wrong with the *****.
The term "Small ***** Syndrome" is a new term. It is interesting to note that the promising concept is the focus on psychological and social interventions over pharmaceutical and surgical ones.
Problems with Sex - Small ***** (Small ***** treatment)
Unfortunately there are many men that do suffer from this problem. Obsessing about their manhood has developed into a major concern. What can be done to help these men develop a more satisfying male organ? There are lots of scams that many men get scam on. Don't trust everything that you see from your e-mail box!
Many men consider the size of their ***** is too small. However, many studies have found that the majority of men, who think they have a small *****, actually have an average size *****. There seems to be a widespread belief amongst modern man that a bigger ***** would be better. A study of women, on the other hand, finds they are puzzled by this masculine obsession. Small ***** treatment in fact, some women dislikes the thought of a large ***** and admits to being put off, by one that is too long.
But no matter how often it is written or said, that size doesn't matter, the average man still thinks that, more would be better. So what would be an average ***** size? Repeated studies from around the world show the average length for a non-erect ***** is 3-4 inches. Small ***** treatment, several factors can temporary cause shrinkage of two or more inches, cold weather, for instance or swimming. So a precise measurement has no value and you should not worry if you fall short of the average. It is of course a fact that some men have small *****es and some have bigger ones. Experts all agree that the measurement of a ***** is not an index or virility!
So what about the average size when erect? Men who have a small ***** can usually achieve a 100% increase in length when erect. Where as a man with a larger *****, will increase his length by around 75%. This means that *****es generally, are all much the same size when aroused. So despite any feeling of inadequacy, the guy with a small ***** has built-in compensation, to bring him up to size. This brings us to the figures for an erect *****. The majority reach between 6-7 inches, with 6.5 inches being the average. 5 inches is still more than adequate when you consider a woman's vagina, who hasn't yet had a child, is only 3 inches long, extending to around 4 inches when *****ly aroused. So, well hung guys, have no advantage whatsoever with the majority of women.
So only a ***** less than 3 inches when erect would be considered unusually small. If you are worried or lack confidence due to the size of you *****, the first thing to do is go and see your doctor. Small ***** treatment If you are embarrassed to talk to your doctor, most health authorities have web sites where you can discuss your problem anonymously with an on-line expert. Do make sure it is a professional medical site, there are many on-line, and some of these are run by quacks.
Options to increase ***** size include two surgical operations. These operations can be expensive and can carry complications such as bleeding, infection or deformity. Small ***** treatment the first technique involves injecting your own fat, sometimes silicone, into your ***** to increase the width and make it more bulky. The other option involves the ligament supporting your *****. This is sliced through to make the ***** dangle more.
Sometimes the ligaments can be stretched and put back in position. It is recommended that you go and see a consultant urologist; your doctor will be able to refer you to one, before you agree to undergo any surgery. Some urologists are now starting to use ***** stretchers. These are small rectangular frames. You ware them on your ***** for several hours every day to pull your ***** out to its maximum possible length. Some early claims from Italy, from men having worn this device for four months, report an average increase of three-quarters of an inch.