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FOR SLOVENIAN CITIZENS - CANADA Canadian Electronic TraveI Authority (ETA / EVisa) and lmmigration Office - Apply for Tourism or Business Visit to Canada - Kanadski urad za priseljenske vizume in elektronska potovanja

2 days ago

ID: #149072

Listed In : Travel Agents

Business Description

Vladni urad Electronic Travel Authority za Kanado pomaga ljudem iz različnih narodov od okoli leta 2016. Postopek spletne prijave je hiter, za dokončanje potrebuje približno 5 minut in zahteva samo kreditno ali čekovno kartico. Do aplikacije lahko pridete preko naše strani. Pripomoček s spletnim dostopom – računalnik, telefon ali miza – lahko takoj zaprosite za Electronic Travel Authority v Kanado. Interakcija je veliko manj zapletena kot pridobivanje vizuma prek kanadskega konzularnega urada. Običajno obdelava zahteva nekaj dni in vaša potrditev eVisa bo poslana neposredno na vaš e-poštni naslov. Ne glede na to, ali vas kanadski turisti privlačijo v živahna mestna območja, vključno z Niagarskimi slapovi in Torontom, je Electronic Travel Authority odlična izbira za potovalno industrijo. Ob predpostavki, da nameravate iti z letalom in raziskati drugačno kulturo Kanade, se na tej točki prijavite prek spleta. Za podjetja, v primeru, da želite iti na sestanek v Kanado, vam aplikacija Electronic Travel Authority prinese le eno kljukico stran od odobritve. Electronic Travel Authority je veljaven do 5 let od datuma izdaje ali dokler vaša identifikacija ne poteče, vsako bivanje v Kanadi pa ne sme preseči 180 dni. Garancija, da je vaš vizum precejšen nekje približno pol leta po datumu vstopa. Obstaja tehten razlog, da morate natisniti Electronic Travel Authority, saj je povezan z vašim vizumom. Med vkrcanjem preprosto prinesite vizum. Naša uprava zagotavlja dosledno izkušnjo eVisa. Prijavite se prek spleta za svojo elektronsko potovalno agencijo Kanada še danes in sodelujte v hitrem, strokovnem in brezskrbnem ciklu. he Electronic Travel Authority for Canada from the Government has been helping people from various nations beginning around 2016. The web-based application process is speedy, requiring just something like 5 minutes to finish, and requires just a credit or check card. You can get to the application through our site. A gadget with web access — whether a PC, phone, or table — you can apply for the Electronic Travel Authority to Canada immediately. The interaction is a lot less complex than getting a visa through a Canadian consular office. Regularly, handling requires a couple of days, and your eVisa endorsement will be sent straightforwardly to your email. For The travel industry, Whether you're attracted to Canada's tourist to its lively urban areas, including Niagara Falls and Toronto, the Electronic Travel Authority is a magnificent choice. Assuming you're intending to go via plane and investigate Canada's different culture, apply online at this point. For Business, In the event that you want to go to a meeting in Canada, the Electronic Travel Authority application brings you simply a tick away from endorsement. The Electronic Travel Authority is legitimate for as long as 5 years from the date of issuance or until your identification lapses, and each stay in Canada can't surpass 180 days. Guarantee your visa is substantial for somewhere around a half year past your entrance date. There's compelling reason need to print the Electronic Travel Authority, as it's connected to your visa. Simply make a point to convey your visa while boarding. Our administration gives a consistent eVisa experience. Apply online for your Electronic Travel Authority Canada today and partake in a quick, expert, and bother free cycle.

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