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Are you suffering from HIV aids or if you are searching HIV aids specialist doctor so You can consult Dr Yuvraj Arora Monga He is HIV aids specialist doctor in Gurgaon for HIV Aids treatment & Best Sexologist doctor for More information Call @ +91-9999219128,+91-8010977000,+91-8010677000,
HIV is a type of STD that is considered to be one of the most dangerous. HIV when becomes complicated leads to AIDS. These two diseases are fatal. There are no cures yet for this disease. And treatment can only control the effects of the disease. So, what better way to do is to avoid getting infected with it.
HIV is transmitted through ***** contact with someone who is already infected. In addition, one may also get infected by using medical equipments used by an infected person such as syringes. So, how can it be prevented?
STD and HIV prevention is not just about wearing a ***** when engaging into ***** activities. It is more about taking intelligent decisions to take care of yourself and your partner as well. Part of that prevention may require taking an STD test for you and your partner. This is making sure that you do not get both of you get infected with the disease. Prevention is also about being prepared for your actions. Hiv aids specialist doctor in Gurgaon,If you want to have sex, then use protection. Prevention is still better than cure. It is your responsibility to protect yourself from diseases that can threaten your life.
What will make one doubt his or her health condition? Only few symptoms show if one is infected with HIV. So it will be hard for one to discover or notice that he or she got infected. So, if you are having sex with multiple partners, active sex life and does not use latex protection during sex, Hiv aids specialist doctor in Gurgaon,then it is nu the right time to take the effort to have an STD test. There is a lot of HIV testing clinics around that has specialists on STD and HIV who can help you with your health condition. Hiv aids specialist doctor in Gurgaon,They offer accurate and reliable HIV testing, screening, counseling and treatment for patients.
HIV is a sensitive matter to talk about even with health specialists. This gives the patients the feeling of fear, pain and shame. That is why it is important that the patient should be comfortable with his or her consulting doctor. The patient may also be required to share some sensitive information to the doctor. This is part of the treatment given to HIV patients. The doctor needs to know the history before he or she can come up with a specific treatment for the patient.
This is why health offices have come up with a more private method of testing and treatment for the HIV patients. Hospitals, health offices and HIV testing clinics now offer anonymous, private or confidential HIV testing. This is to provide confidentiality to their patients who want to have more privacy on this matter.
Oftentimes, people think of the stigma attached to having an STD test which hinders them to take it.Hiv aids specialist doctor in Gurgaon,And this is why STD is spread out to other people. People are not aware that they are already infected and still continue to engage in unprotected sex. The best way to stop the spread of HIV and STD is through those STD and HIV tests.
According to medical experts, HIV/AIDS can be the cause of the most dreadful epidemic mankind has ever witnessed. Human immunodeficiency virus is a *****ly transmitted infection that does not have any cure till date. All the available treatment options for this disease are capable of suppressing the symptoms. Best among these treatment options is the one that suppresses AIDS-related symptoms for as long as possible. Hiv aids specialist doctor in Gurgaon,As per the recommendations made by a panel of leading AIDS specialists, highly active retroviral therapy or HAART is one such treatment option.
The basic objective of HAART method is to improve the life expectancy of a HIV-infected person by reducing the amount of virus present in the blood to very low or almost undetectable levels. This objective is achieved by means of administrating more than 2 different kinds of anti-retroviral drugs as a combination therapy. These anti-retroviral drugs are medications used for the treatment of infections caused by retroviruses like HIV. There are six different classes of antiretroviral drugs available in the market whose function is to act as potent inhibitors at different stages of HIV lifecycle and prevent the growth, replication and proliferation of the virus.
Combination of antiviral drugs belonging to different classes helps in creating multiple obstacles for the virus at each stage of its life cycle thus reducing the ability of the virus to replicate. This strategy has also been effective against drug-resistant strains of HIV.